Make your shopping fast, contactless and secure with Paycell QR!

At contracted payment points, you can make fast and contactless payments by scanning the Paycell QR code on POS device.

Click to view contracted stores.


Using Paycell QR



Download Paycell Cyprus application

Download the app for free from AppStore or Google Play


Start payment with QR

Show your QR on the Paycell QR transactions page, scan the QR created in the store or say the short code


Pay easily

Complete your payment with the credit/debit card you registered in the application.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I pay with Paycell QR?

Using Paycell QR



Download Paycell Cyprus application

Download the app for free from AppStore or Google Play


Start payment with QR

Show your QR on the Paycell QR transactions page, scan the QR created in the store or say the short code


Pay easily

Complete your payment with the credit/debit card you registered in the application.


Where can I make payments with Paycell QR?

With Paycell QR, you can make your payments contactlessly and securely in Markets, Pharmacies, Restaurants and Boutiques where KoopBank POS devices are located.

Click to review the contracted points.