Calling Turkey
How can I call abroad?
If the person you would like to call is a Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell customer abroad, all you need to do is to dial the GSM number. To call abroad while in another country, you need to dial ''international exit code of the country you are currently in - network code of the country you are calling - number''. While calling a user of a foreign operator in the same country, you only need to enter the GSM number.
Do I need to enable international calling feature of my mobile phone in order to call Turkey?
Calling other countries
Can I call a number in a foreign country using my new postpaid or prepaid line?
How can I enable my line's international calls feature?
Log into your ''Account'' from the ''Login'' section at, and enable ''Calling Abroad'' option under ''Call Setting'' section, located on the left hand side of ''My Settings''. Click to enable calling abroad feature.
Also, to enable calling abroad feature, you can text ULUS to 2222 free of charge.
International calling feature of my line is disabled. Can I still make calls to Turkey?
Do I need to enable international roaming in order to send SMS abroad?