Subscription price offer are valid for new subscriptions.
Packages are sold with a 12-month commitment.
Within the campaign, speeds of 10Mbps and 20Mbps are available.
Lifecell Digital reserves the right to change the content and duration of the campaign.
Package prices include VAT.
Lifecell Digital reserves the right to limit, restrict and close the lines that it determines that the service offered is used for different purposes other than meeting personal communication needs.
Who can benefit?
All users who request a new subscription can benefit.
How can I apply?
Click on the Apply Now button, fill out the form and our representatives will contact you
You can also apply by calling our call centre at 05338780533
What is the campaign end date?
The new subscription offer campaign is valid until 31 March 2025.
The modem campaign is valid until 31 March 2025. Free modems are limited to stocks.
Will my subscription continue in cases of switching to prepaid line, number porting, line closure due to debt, voluntary line closure?
Early cancellation fee will be charged to your line in case of switching to prepaid line, number transfer, line closure due to debt, voluntary line closure while your subscription continues.
How to calculate the early cancellation fee?
The time you use the package x the benefit price is calculated.
The number of months remaining until the end of the contract period x package price is calculated.
Whichever amount is less, this amount will be charged to your line.
Application Successful
our application has been received with reference number XXXX. Thank you for your interest.
An error occured. Please try again later.
Apply Now to Enjoy Turkcell Home Internet!
We will call you immediately after your application.
By logining, you can review your remaining usages and current usages.
Moreover, you can manage all your transactions related to your line and purchase additional packages
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By logining, you can review your remaining usages and current usages.