Exclusive offer for GNCTRKCLL! Enjoy 4GB internet at a low price!

564,90 TL/MO
Gnctrkcll 4GB
Internet Price
Flex Internet -

Flex Internet Feature

  • When your internet quota offered as part of your package is full, you can use up to 125 TL in steps with the flex feature of your package.
  • Each level is 100 MB.
  • With the flex feature of your package, you will be charged for every 100 MB you use.
  • Your internet speed is reduced to 5Kbps when your usage comes to 125 TL. You can continue to use it for free with 5 Kbps speed.
  • You can increase your internet speed by purchasing an additional internet package. Click for additional internet packages.
  • Click for more detailed information about Flex internet feature.

1th tier 25 TL
2nd tier +20 TL
3rd tier +20 TL
4th tier +20 TL
5th tier +10 TL
6th tier +10 TL
7th tier +10 TL
8th tier +10 TL


  • All taxes are included in the price.
  • Your Gnctrkcll 4GB package is valid in North Cyprus and Turkey.

Anybody with a GNCTRKCLL package can subscribe to this package.

  • Text 4 to 5555,
  • Login to your account on and hit purchase button on the package page.

You can start using your package once you receive the information SMS that your package has started.

● You may text DURUM to 1103.
● You may also login to and find out about your package usage.

You will be informed through SMS both when your package benefit reaches 80% and when you use up all your package benefits.

Yes, your package is also valid in Turkey.

You can text IPTAL to 1103 to cancel your package.

Start Date: 28.01.2014

End Date: -

Our customers who benefit from this offer will be informed about the Offer end date at least 15 days prior to the end date through the electronic communication service they have purchased and the end date will also be announced on our website.