All Directions Packages are packages that allow you to call all domestic directions and all mobile phones in Turkey.
Our individual postpaid line customers can benefit from All Direction Packages.
To benefit from the package, you can contact the Call Center at 0533 878 0 533.
Application SMS sent within the borders of TRNC is free of charge. Application SMS sent while abroad are charged as 1 SMS fee. Package cancellation and remaining inquiry SMS are free of charge.
Yes. An informative SMS will be sent both when you use approximately 80% of the benefits offered with your package and when your package benefits run out.
If you make a referral, the referral minutes will be valid within the scope of the package minutes.
The usage period of the benefits provided with your package is 1 month. It is not carried over to the next month.
There is no limit on the number of customers who can benefit from the packages.
The charging period for call minutes in your package is 60 seconds.
If you do not have an additional package, your usage outside the package or in excess of the package will be charged at the Standard Tariff.
If you request "Cancellation", your cancellation request will be received and your tariff for the next billing period will change to "Standard tariff with Entry Package". You will continue to use your All Directions package benefits until your tariff changes in the next billing period.
If you request "Cancellation", your cancellation request will be received and your tariff for the next billing period will be "Standard with Entry Package".
changes to "tariff".
Start Date: 01.04.2011
End Date: -
All consumers benefiting from the tariff will be informed about the tariff expiry date at least 15 days ago through the electronic communication service they received and also by publishing it on the internet (website).