Welcome Package offers 50 minutes towards all local lines and GSM numbers in Turkey, 50 SMS towards all local and international lines, 1 GB data valid both in TRNC and Turkey.
Your package is activated starting from the first billing date.
No. The benefit will be cancelled.
Yes. You are notified with a text message when you use approximately 80% of the benefits offered and also when you completely run out of the benefits.
If the package benefits are over, you will be charged according to the STANDARD tariff.
The charging period of the minutes offered with your package is 60 seconds.
Start Date: 06.06.2016
End Date: -
All customers who benefit from the package are informed about the package end date at least 15 days before their tariff expires through the electronic communication service they have received and also through the web address.
To find out the remaining balance of your package benefits and the validity period of your package, text WELCOME LEFT to 8780.
Log into 'my account section' at kktcell.com and select 'my remaining balance' option.
Your minute or SMS usage that are not covered with the package or if you run out of your offered package benefits, you are charged according to the Standart Tariff fees. If you exceed your data quota, the local usage will continue until 19,80 TL which is 20% of your package fee. When you reach 19,80 TL, your connection will be downgraded to 5 kbps.