The Smart Alert Service informs you immediately by SMS the telephone number of our customers who have reached your Smart Secretary but have not left a voicemail, together with when and what time they called.
When you do not answer a call, the missed calls of our customers who have not left a voicemail after they have reached your secretary are already displayed on your screen, you do not receive an SMS from the Smart Alert Service.
Welcome to Smart Alert Special Offer:
Smart Alert Service will be provided to our personal & corporate customers who have just started using Kuzey Kıbrıs Turkcell and recently joined our family, free of charge for 1 month. The customers, who use the service free of charge for 1 month and are satisfied, will be able to continue using the service for a fee at the end of the relevant month, if they approve. Our customers who want to cancel the service during the Free Trial period will also be able to cancel the service at any time.