Accessible Life

''No Barriers if There is Support!''

Accessible Life

Special Education with North Cyprus Turkcell Support

Communication support is provided to special education students at the Lefkosa Special Education and Business School. Turkcell Home Internet is installed to help students with special education, enabling them to use it effectively.

Wheelchair Basketball Team

Since its inception, North Cyprus Turkcell has taken social responsibility for various projects in areas such as the environment, traffic, and disability. One notable social responsibility project is the Wheelchair Basketball Team, which successfully combines sports and overcoming challenges. Here are some key points:

  • North Cyprus Turkcell has been supporting the "Wheelchair Basketball Team" affiliated with the Cyprus Turkish Disabled Sports Federation since 2008.
  • The Wheelchair Basketball Team competes in the Turkish Wheelchair Basketball Super League, representing our country both domestically and internationally.
  • The team, made up of indomitable hearts, has a fan base in our country and has achieved various successes both within Turkey and abroad, breaking through embargoes.
  • From time to time, the Wheelchair Basketball Team organizes "Empathy Games," bringing together hardworking journalists, members of parliament, and Turkcell employees to raise awareness about disabilities. These games aim to take important steps in raising awareness about people with disabilities.

Cafe Down

With the aim of integrating people with disabilities into daily life, the project established the first Down Café in North Cyprus. Sponsored by North Cyprus Turkcell and in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, this project started operating on May 13, 2013, in Gazimagusa. Comprising students from the İrfan Nadir 18+ Disabled Rehabilitation Center, Cafe Down warmly welcomes 45 young people with Down syndrome and autism as their guests.

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